Friday, December 7, 2007

Most beautiful Swing look and feel

Its not Nimbus. Its not JGoodies or Substance. It is Synthetica - white vision look and feel.
Its plain beautiful and usable. I appled this to SQuirreL-SQL client and it is look so awesome that I had to blog about it. Here is a screenshot. Only gripe is that it has Vista folder icons for tree nodes.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Leopard-like toolbar buttons in Java Swing

Thanks to Java2D and Java 6 speed, it is easy and less-expensive to create modern User interfaces. Here is my attempt to create a "leopard", that is OS X 10.5 like buttons. This is fairly easy to create. For source you may check out my google project jSpent. (I haven't checked in the source for these yet. But soon I will, after some refactoring is done)