Considering that I had uploaded at least twenty bug/usage reports, I guess my part in evaluating Chrome OS was done. So the decision was to wipe chrome OS completely off and install Ubuntu.
Update : Updated to Natty using package manager by turning on release updates, no issues everything working smooth including the synaptic touch pad.
First, let me warn you that if you do not like to crack open stuff, do not attempt this. First step is to flash CR-48 with a custom BIOS(InSyde H2O). For this follow steps here. Note that it involves opening up the back casing of CR-48. So make sure you have philips screwdriver set handy before you start.
Once the custom BIOS (InSyde H2O) is installed, you are basically ready to install any operating system. For optimal performance, consider Ubuntu desktop, netbook editions or Jolicloud (ChromeOS's better cousin)
I chose to go with Ubuntu Desktop edition.
Things you need :
A USB Stick with at least 2GB storage
Internet access on a Windows/Mac/Linux System
Step1: prepare USB Ubuntu bootable/install disk
Download Ubuntu. Now keep in mind that InSyde H2O some how fails to load newer Ubuntu OSs(Meerkat and Narwhal). That means you need to download Lucid Lynx(10.04) and follow steps here
Step2: Plug in the USB stick to your CR-48 and power on
With custom BIOS on, CR-48 will boot from the newly prepared Ubuntu USB drive
Step3: Once ubuntu started, click on the desktop icon to Install the software
During the install, you will be presented options to retain existing OS's. But I chose to completely erase my SSD. That means if you change your mind and wanted to go back to ChromeOS, you need to restore BIOS and have ChromeOS restore disk handy.
Step 4: Installation completes, as system reboots remove the USB drive and the system boots in Ubuntu Lucid Lynx. At this point connect to Internet (wireless or otherwise - everything works out of the box) and update your system.
Step 5: Fixing the "touchpad" - Touchpad acts crappy under Lucid Lynx. So upgrade Lucid Lynx to "Maverick Meerkat" by enabling release upgrades on your Synaptic Upgrade manager as described here.
This will not only upgrade your CR-48 to Maverick Meerkat but will install necessary software for configuring the touch pad. The touch pad can be configured by "Touch Pad" tab on System->Preferences->Mouse. This lets you enable double finger scroll, disabling tap click etc. ( very important for usability)
I am totally enjoying my CR-48 now, with great free software, iPod integration and about 10G free SSD space to store things locally.
I stopped my upgrad e at Meerkat and did not go to Narwhal as it might be a bit slower on CR-48
End result (with awn dock, global menu and Fusion Blue theme) :
Update : Updated to Natty using package manager by turning on release updates, no issues everything working smooth including the synaptic touch pad.
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